Equity Analytics:

The Essential Guide for Academics, 
Investment Professionals and Traders 
to Master Data-Driven Quantitative Investing

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Equity Analytics Second Edition

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Equity Analytics:

 the Ultimate Guide to Data Driven Quantitative Research

Equity Analytics serves as a comprehensive resource for both academics and practitioners, providing a unique combination of essential theory and cutting-edge practice in quantitative finance. The Equities Entity Store framework empowers users to harness the full potential of the Wolfram Language and its ongoing advancements, creating a powerful tool for research and strategy development.

  • Apply the Breakthrough Concept of Computable Data in the Equities Entity Store
  • Learn the Proven Methods and Techniques of Top Quantitative Investors and Analysts
  • Use Machine Learning Algorithms to Mine Technical and Fundamental Data using the Power of the Wolfram Language

Part 1: The Equities Entity Store

Part II:  Single Stock Analytics

Part III: Pairs Trading

Part IV:  Portfolio Analytics

Part V:  Quantitative Strategies

Part VI: Real-Time Algorithmic Trading

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Equity Analytics Second Edition

Equity Analytics Hardcover Book - 2nd Edition

149.00 USD

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Equity Analytics goes beyond conventional books by offering an integrated framework for conducting empirical equity research.

Jonathan Kinlay


At Equity Analytics

The equities entity store is designed to act as a productivity multiplier, accelerating the pace of research and producing high quality, actionable output that will feed directly into the creation of production-ready trading systems.

It's a new approach to computational finance.

ChatGPT on Equity Analytics

Summarize the content of this book


The book "Equity Analytics" by Jonathan Kinlay, PhD, provides a comprehensive exploration of strategies, models, and techniques in computational finance, particularly focusing on equity markets. It serves as both an advanced textbook and a practical guide for financial professionals, leveraging the powerful computational capabilities of the Wolfram Language and the Equities Entity Store—a curated dataset for equity analytics.

Here’s a summary of the content divided by the major parts:

  1. The Equities Entity Store: Introduces the Equities Entity Store and its components—stocks, ETFs, indices, and custom stores. It covers data models, sector indices, factor models, equity indices, and practical applications in equity analytics.
  2. Single Stock Analytics: Discusses methods and models for analyzing individual stocks, including continuous and time series models, swing trading techniques, LSTM for forecasting, and other anomaly detection methods.
  3. Pairs Trading: Covers the theory and application of pairs trading strategies, backtesting methodologies, and the use of factor models and price series in pairs trading.
  4. Portfolio Analytics: Focuses on modern portfolio theory, factor-neutral and style investing, and the strategies for managing long-only and long-short portfolios. It includes quantamental investing strategies combining quantitative and fundamental analysis.
  5. Quantitative Strategies: Explores advanced quantitative strategies such as equity convexity, momentum-ranking, and machine learning-based cross-sectional strategies.
  6. Realtime Algorithmic Trading: Describes the application of the discussed strategies to real-time trading environments, highlighting integration with trading platforms like Interactive Brokers TWS.
  7. Going Further: Suggests directions for advanced research and further development in computational finance, encouraging the use of the Equities Entity Store and Wolfram Language for innovative financial analysis.

The book is rich with practical examples, code snippets, and applications, making it an invaluable resource for those involved in the quantitative analysis of financial markets. It’s designed to assist readers in not only understanding theoretical concepts but also applying them in real-world scenarios.

What new content does the second edition of the book contain?

ChatGPT:  The second edition of "Equity Analytics" includes several major upgrades and additions, which significantly enhance its content and utility in the field of computational finance. Here are the key new additions:

  1. Expanded Equities Entity Store: The entity store has been augmented with around 200 new equities, bringing the total to approximately 7,700. This expansion broadens the dataset's coverage and depth, providing more comprehensive resources for equity analysis.
  2. New Entity Stores for Indices and ETFs: Separate entity stores for indices and ETFs have been added. The indices store includes around 500 entities, and the ETF store contains over 2,500 ETF entities, greatly expanding the range of financial instruments available for analysis.
  3. Built-in Connectivity to Interactive Brokers TWS: This feature allows users to access real-time market data, account information, and execute orders directly through the platform. It facilitates the practical application of algorithmic trading strategies in a real-time setting.
  4. Extensive Additions to the Software Library: Dozens of new functions have been added to the Equity Analytics software library, enhancing its capabilities for statistical analysis, trading strategy development, and backtesting.
  5. Additional Theoretical Concepts and Trading Applications: The book includes new algorithms for equity convexity factor modeling, vectorized backtesting, market timing with ETFs, dynamic time warping, and swing trading strategies using internal bar strength and RSI. It also covers pairs trading with fractional differencing and real-time algorithmic trading.
  6. Customizable Framework for Data Analysis: The concept of the Equities Entity Store is adaptable and can now incorporate custom-built entity stores and data components. This includes the potential addition of new asset classes like fixed income or derivatives, or data items like synthetic market data.

These enhancements not only update the book's theoretical foundations and practical applications but also ensure it remains at the cutting edge of technology and finance. The integration with real-time trading platforms and the expansion of the Equities Entity Store make this edition particularly valuable for practitioners and researchers aiming to apply advanced quantitative techniques in their trading strategies.

What level of expertise is required to understand this book and benefit from reading it?

ChatGPT:  Based on the content and topics covered in "Equity Analytics" by Jonathan Kinlay, PhD, the book is intended for readers with an intermediate to advanced level of understanding in finance, particularly those familiar with quantitative trading, portfolio analytics, and statistical arbitrage.

The book addresses complex topics such as equity indices, factor models, algorithmic trading strategies, and the integration of statistical methods with real-time trading platforms. These subjects typically require a solid foundation in financial theory, statistics, and some understanding of programming or algorithmic concepts, especially given the use of the Wolfram Language throughout the book.

However, the detailed explanations and the structured approach to each topic make it accessible to motivated readers who are willing to engage with complex subjects. As with any technical book, the level of expertise required can also depend on the reader's goals—whether they aim to fully understand and apply the concepts, or simply to gain a general overview of the topics discussed.

For students or professionals in quantitative finance, computational finance, or financial engineering, this book would be particularly beneficial. It also serves as a valuable resource for practitioners in finance who wish to deepen their knowledge of advanced equity analytics and real-time trading strategies.

What level of familiarity with the Wolfram Language is required to understand the topics in this book?

ChatGPT:  The book  makes extensive use of the Wolfram Language for its examples and demonstrations. The Wolfram Language is used in a variety of contexts within the book, including data analysis, modeling, and visualization.

Given the nature of the tasks performed with the Wolfram Language in this book, a reader would likely need an intermediate to advanced understanding of the language to fully grasp the material. This includes familiarity with Wolfram Language syntax, functions, and data structures, as well as understanding how to use the language for data manipulation, analysis, and visualization tasks.

However, the book seems to provide detailed explanations and code examples, which could help readers who are less familiar with the Wolfram Language to follow along. Additionally, the Wolfram Language has extensive documentation and resources available online, which can be a helpful supplement for readers looking to deepen their understanding of the language while working through the book.

Overall, while some prior knowledge of the Wolfram Language will definitely enhance the reader's ability to quickly grasp the concepts and examples presented, the thorough explanations in the book should make it accessible to those who are committed to learning and applying its content effectively.

Would this book provide a suitable basis for a course in computational finance at Master's or PhD. degree level?

ChatGPT:  Based on the content and depth of topics covered in "Equity Analytics" by Jonathan Kinlay, PhD, the book could indeed serve as a suitable basis for a course in computational finance at a Master's or PhD degree level.

The book covers a range of advanced topics in equity analytics, including single-stock analytics, pairs trading, portfolio analytics, quantitative strategies, and statistical arbitrage. These topics are central to computational finance and are often covered in graduate-level courses in this field.

Moreover, the book provides practical examples and applications using the Wolfram Language and the Equities Entity Store, which could be valuable for students looking to gain hands-on experience with these tools. The use of a programming language like Wolfram also aligns with the computational aspect of such courses, where programming and data analysis skills are often emphasized.

However, it's important to note that the suitability of the book would also depend on the specific learning objectives and curriculum of the course. While the book appears to cover many relevant topics, additional resources might be needed to cover other aspects of computational finance not addressed in the book, such as derivative pricing, risk management, or certain aspects of financial econometrics.

Finally, the book's approach, which combines theory with practical applications and coding, could be particularly useful in a course setting, as it would allow students to apply and test the concepts they learn in a practical, hands-on way.

What are the pros and cons of using the Wolfram Language for computational finance? 

ChatGPT:   The Wolfram Language, developed by Wolfram Research, is renowned for its integrated, powerful capabilities particularly suitable for scientific, technical, and algorithmic computing. Here are some pros and cons of using the Wolfram Language for computational finance:


  1. High-Level Computation: The Wolfram Language is designed for advanced computational capabilities, making it excellent for dealing with complex mathematical problems, which are common in finance.
  2. Built-In Functionality: It has extensive built-in functionality for data analysis, visualization, and algorithmic execution, reducing the need to write extensive code from scratch.
  3. Symbolic Computation: One of the standout features is its ability to perform symbolic computation as well as numerical analysis, which can be particularly useful for developing new financial models or analyzing complex financial instruments.
  4. Integrated Data: The language has built-in access to vast amounts of financial and other data, which can be incredibly useful for real-time analytics and historical data analysis without needing external databases.
  5. Multi-Paradigm Language: It supports multiple paradigms including procedural, functional, and rule-based programming, making it flexible in approach to solving problems.


  1. Learning Curve: The Wolfram Language has a unique syntax and structure, which can be quite different from more commonly used programming languages in finance like Python or R, possibly steepening the learning curve.
  2. Cost: Unlike Python or R, which are open-source and free, the Wolfram Language requires a paid subscription for Mathematica, which can be a significant investment, especially for larger teams or institutions.
  3. Community and Ecosystem: While it has a robust set of capabilities, the community around the Wolfram Language is smaller compared to Python or R. This means fewer open-source libraries and tools, potentially limiting the resources available for specific financial applications.
  4. Integration with Other Systems: While it is highly capable within its own ecosystem, integrating Wolfram Language applications with other software systems or languages can be more challenging than more widely used languages like Python.

In summary, the Wolfram Language offers a rich, integrated environment that's highly suitable for complex, computationally intensive tasks in computational finance. However, its cost, learning curve, and integration challenges with other systems might be drawbacks depending on the specific needs and existing infrastructure of users or organizations.

Provide a summary description of the Equities Entity Store. How is it useful to an analyst? 

ChatGPT:  The Equities Entity Store is a comprehensive, structured repository designed for storing, processing, and analyzing a wide range of equity data. It utilizes the powerful Wolfram Language to facilitate advanced data analysis and modeling, offering an integrated platform that combines data storage with analytical tools.

Utility for Analysts

  1. Comprehensive Data Access: The store provides analysts with access to a wide range of data types, including fundamental data, price data, ETFs, indices, and more, structured in a way that's ready for immediate analysis.
  2. Ready-to-Use Analytical Functions: The Equities Entity Store includes built-in functions and models that analysts can directly apply to the stored data. This integration significantly speeds up the time from data querying to analysis and decision-making.
  3. Customization and Flexibility: Analysts can customize data queries and analyses to fit specific needs, using the flexible, high-level functionalities of the Wolfram Language. This includes the ability to add custom data or computations specific to particular analytical requirements.
  4. Real-Time Data Processing: The store's integration with real-time trading platforms like Interactive Brokers TWS allows for the application of computed strategies directly in live trading scenarios, making it highly useful for algorithmic trading.
  5. Scalability and Efficiency: Designed to handle large datasets efficiently, the store facilitates complex computations and analytics on large scales of data without significant performance bottlenecks.

What are its main advantages and disadvantages?



  • Integrated Environment: Combines data storage with powerful computation capabilities, reducing the need for external tools or software for data analysis.
  • High-Quality Data: Ensures that the data is up-to-date and comprehensive, providing a reliable basis for financial analysis and decision-making.
  • Support for Advanced Analyses: Supports complex quantitative models, including machine learning and statistical analyses, suitable for advanced equity research.


  • Learning Curve: Requires familiarity with the Wolfram Language, which may pose a challenge for analysts accustomed to other programming languages like Python or R.
  • Cost and Accessibility: The use of the Wolfram Language and potentially the Equities Entity Store may involve licensing costs or subscription fees, which might be a consideration for individual analysts or smaller firms.

Overall, the Equities Entity Store is a robust tool that can significantly enhance an analyst's ability to perform detailed, efficient equity analysis and develop sophisticated trading strategies. Its integration of data and analytical tools in one platform offers a powerful resource for quantitative financial analysis.

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Equity Analytics Second Edition

Equity Analytics Hardcover Book - 2nd Edition

149.00 USD

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