Equity Analytics: 

The Essential Guide for Academics,

Investment Professionals and Traders
to Master 
Data-Driven Quantitative Investing

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Equity Analytics Hardcover Book

The Ultimate Guide to Data Driven Quantitative Research

95.00 USD

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Equity Analytics: the Ultimate Guide to Data Driven Quantitative Research

Equity Analytics serves as a comprehensive resource for both academics and practitioners, providing a unique combination of essential theory and cutting-edge practice in quantitative finance. The Equities Entity Store framework empowers users to harness the full potential of the Wolfram Language and its ongoing advancements, creating a powerful tool for research and strategy development.

  • Apply the Breakthrough Concept of Computable Data in the Equities Entity Store
  • Learn the Proven Methods and Techniques of Top Quantitative Investors and Analysts
  • Use Machine Learning Algorithms to Mine Technical and Fundamental Data using the Simplicity and Power of the Wolfram Language
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Equity Analytics Hardcover Book

The Ultimate Guide to Data Driven Quantitative Research

95.00 USD

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Equity Analytics goes beyond conventional books by offering an integrated framework for conducting empirical equity research.

Jonathan Kinlay


At Equity Analytics

" The equities entity store is designed to act as a productivity multiplier, accelerating the pace of research and producing high quality, actionable output that will feed directly into the creation of production-ready trading systems."

It's a new approach to computational finance.

ChatGPT on Equity Analytics

Summarize the content of this book

ChatGPT:  The book "Equity Analytics" by Jonathan Kinlay, PhD, provides readers with valuable knowledge and practical experience in using the Equities Entity Store, a tool that harnesses the Wolfram Language for storing, processing, and analyzing fundamental and technical stock data.

The book is divided into several parts, each focusing on a different aspect of equity analytics:

1. Single Stock Analytics: This section provides techniques for analyzing individual stocks, including both fundamental and technical analysis methods.

2. Pairs Trading: This section introduces the concept of pairs trading, a strategy that involves trading two highly correlated securities.

3. Portfolio Analytics: This section delves into portfolio theory and optimization, providing readers with the tools to construct and manage a diversified investment portfolio.

4. Statistical Arbitrage: This section covers statistical arbitrage strategies, which aim to profit from pricing inefficiencies identified through statistical methods.

Throughout the book, readers learn various techniques for these areas, with numerous examples and practical applications. The book also provides a wealth of notes and references to further enrich the reader's understanding and expand their research possibilities.

Upon completing the book, readers are encouraged to explore further research opportunities using the Equities Entity Store. Potential avenues include developing more advanced machine learning models, incorporating alternative data sources, extending the analytical frameworks to other financial instruments, investigating the impact of market microstructure and high-frequency trading strategies, and exploring connections between behavioral finance theories and trading strategies.

The book concludes with suggestions for further research, potentially serving as a basis for a Masters or PhD thesis in computational finance. By pursuing these projects or exploring other research areas within computational finance, the reader can contribute to the advancement of the field and potentially lay the groundwork for a successful academic or professional career.

What level of expertise is required to understand this book and benefit from reading it?

ChatGPT: Based on the content and topics covered, it appears that this book is intended for readers with an intermediate to advanced level of understanding in finance, specifically in areas such as quantitative trading, portfolio analytics, and statistical arbitrage.

The book delves into complex topics such as momentum-ranking strategies, machine learning cross-sectional strategies, and portfolio optimization, among others. These topics typically require a solid foundation in financial theory, statistics, and potentially some understanding of programming or algorithmic concepts, particularly if the reader wants to implement the strategies discussed.

However, the book also seems to explain these concepts in a detailed manner, which could make it accessible to motivated readers who are willing to engage with these complex topics. As with any technical book, the level of expertise required can also depend on the reader's goals – whether they aim to fully understand and apply the concepts, or to gain a general overview of the topics discussed.

What level of familiarity with the Wolfram Language is required to understand the topics in this book?

ChatGPT: The book "Equity Analytics" by Jonathan Kinlay, PhD, appears to make extensive use of the Wolfram Language for its examples and demonstrations. The Wolfram Language is used in a variety of contexts, including data analysis, modeling, and visualization.

Given the nature of the tasks performed with the Wolfram Language in this book, a reader would likely need an intermediate to advanced understanding of the language to fully grasp the material. This includes familiarity with Wolfram Language syntax, functions, and data structures, as well as understanding how to use the language for data manipulation, analysis, and visualization tasks.

However, the book seems to provide detailed explanations and code examples, which could help readers who are less familiar with the Wolfram Language to follow along. Additionally, the Wolfram Language has extensive documentation and resources available online, which can be a helpful supplement for readers looking to deepen their understanding of the language while working through the book.

Would this book provide a suitable basis for a course in computational finance at Master's or PhD. degree level?

ChatGPT: Based on the content and depth of topics covered in the book "Equity Analytics", it could indeed serve as a suitable basis for a course in computational finance at a Master's or PhD degree level.

The book covers a range of advanced topics in equity analytics, including single-stock analytics, pairs trading, portfolio analytics, and statistical arbitrage. These topics are central to computational finance and are often covered in graduate-level courses in this field.

Moreover, the book provides practical examples and applications using the Wolfram Language and the Equities Entity Store, which could be valuable for students looking to gain hands-on experience with these tools. The use of a programming language like Wolfram also aligns with the computational aspect of such courses, where programming and data analysis skills are often emphasized.

However, it's important to note that the suitability of the book would also depend on the specific learning objectives and curriculum of the course. While the book appears to cover many relevant topics, additional resources might be needed to cover other aspects of computational finance not addressed in the book, such as derivative pricing, risk management, or certain aspects of financial econometrics.

Finally, the book's approach, which combines theory with practical applications and coding, could be particularly useful in a course setting, as it would allow students to apply and test the concepts they learn in a practical, hands-on way.

What are the pros and cons of using the Wolfram Language for computational finance? 

ChatGPT: The Wolfram Language is a high-level programming language developed by Wolfram Research, the company behind Mathematica and Wolfram|Alpha. It's known for its computational capabilities, symbolic computation, and built-in knowledgebase. Here are some pros and cons of using the Wolfram Language for computational finance:


1. Built-in Financial Functions: The Wolfram Language has a wide range of built-in functions for financial calculations, including options pricing, bond calculations, and financial indicators, which can simplify the development of financial models.

2. Symbolic Computation: The language supports symbolic computation, which can be useful for deriving and manipulating financial formulas.

3. Data Visualization: The Wolfram Language has strong data visualization capabilities, which can be useful for analyzing financial data and presenting results.

4. Integrated Knowledgebase: The language has an integrated knowledgebase that can provide real-time financial data, which can be useful for tasks like portfolio management and risk analysis.


1. Learning Curve: The Wolfram Language has a unique syntax and structure that can be difficult to learn, especially for those who are already familiar with more mainstream programming languages like Python or R.

2. Less Community Support: Compared to languages like Python or R, there are fewer resources and less community support available for the Wolfram Language. This can make it harder to find help or resources when you encounter problems.

3. Cost: Unlike Python or R, which are open-source and free to use, the Wolfram Language requires a paid license for commercial use, which can be a barrier for some users.

Provide a summary description of the Equities Entity Store. How is it useful to an analyst? 

ChatGPT: The Equities Entity Store, as described in the book "Equity Analytics", is a powerful tool that harnesses the Wolfram Language for storing, processing, and analyzing fundamental and technical stock data.

Here's how it can be useful to an analyst and its potential advantages and disadvantages:

Usefulness to an Analyst:

1. Data Storage and Processing: The Equities Entity Store allows analysts to store and process large amounts of stock data efficiently. This can include fundamental data like financial ratios, as well as technical data like historical price movements.

2. Analysis and Modeling: The tool provides functionality for various types of analysis, including single-stock analytics, pairs trading, portfolio analytics, and statistical arbitrage. This can help analysts identify profitable trading strategies and optimize their investment portfolios.

3. Practical Applications: The book provides numerous examples and practical applications, which can help analysts understand how to apply these techniques in real-world scenarios.

What are its main advantages and disadvantages?



1. Comprehensive: The Equities Entity Store provides a comprehensive platform for equity analytics, covering a wide range of techniques and strategies.

2. Efficient: By harnessing the Wolfram Language, the tool can handle complex calculations and large datasets efficiently.

3. Flexible: The tool can be used to analyze various types of financial instruments, not just equities. This can help analysts diversify their research and investment portfolios.


1. Learning Curve: The tool requires knowledge of the Wolfram Language, which can have a steep learning curve for those not familiar with it.

2. Data Limitations: The quality and accuracy of the analysis depend on the quality of the data stored in the Equities Entity Store. If the data is incomplete or inaccurate, this could impact the results of the analysis.

3. Complexity: Some of the techniques and strategies discussed in the book, such as statistical arbitrage and machine learning models, are quite complex and may require a high level of expertise to implement effectively.

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Equity Analytics Hardcover Book

The Ultimate Guide to Data Driven Quantitative Research

95.00 USD

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